s55555s t1_jecdg4b wrote
Never open the door for anyone who isn’t your local police. If you see their car. I tell my kids this too.
a34tjkx t1_jeci3r0 wrote
"Sorry mom, but do you have a warrant?"
s55555s t1_jeckkbo wrote
We totally make these types of jokes. I tell them “show me your badge” after school.
ShalomRPh t1_jed5vsl wrote
I wouldn’t necessarily open it for the police either.
My upstairs neighbor had double parked her car. Cop came along, ran the plates and apparently thought that it was mine, because he came and rang the bell, which doesn’t work. Then he knocked. When I didn’t answer he banged harder and yelled “Are you gonna open this door?”
I said through the door, “No.”
So he starts scolding me through the door about the double parked car. I said it’s not mine. He says it’s registered at this address. I tell him “It’s a two family house” (thinking: genius). “Knock on the other door.”
NewbornXenomorphs t1_jecxhjc wrote
I’m an adult in my late 30s and back when I lived in an apartment - there were times i heard a knock on my door and froze in place (so I wouldn’t make noise) until the person left. People still open the doors when they aren’t expecting anyone these days?
SpeedySpooley t1_jeelsus wrote
> Never open the door for anyone who isn’t your local police.
Don't open the door for the police unless you called them. If I didn't call them, then we're talking through a closed door.
s55555s t1_jeevn8h wrote
I guess depends on level of trust you have with them. I would always open for them.
Longtermthrowaway5 t1_jee16l2 wrote
I'd be less likely to open the door for police than a random stranger.
Emperor_PVP t1_jeceqvx wrote
EdLesliesBarber t1_jeeo6eq wrote
Jesus Christ , do not open your door for Local Police. Why would anyone do this?????
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