beowulf92 t1_jecxppy wrote
Reply to comment by collegedropoutclub in BEWARE two black individuals posing as PSE&G employees knocking on doors ( Clifton NJ) by [deleted]
Last dude that came out to me and asked to see my bill was so fucking offended when I told him no thanks lol. He was like hey I'm from MPower, we're doing follow-ups, can I see if you're getting the best rate? I said oh you're them, no thanks I'm good. He was like excuse me??? I said yeah thanks never told you guys to come back, goodbye. And I could see him fuming as I shut the door.
asecuredlife t1_jedjd51 wrote
Those dudes are aggressive
gpo321 t1_jeeixml wrote
We had one come to the door saying that the power company identifies houses that produce too much pollution. If I signed up with him, their company would make sure our house was not on this pollution list.
Yeah, ok.
beowulf92 t1_jeen5w7 wrote
Damn dude, you must hate the environment if you didn't take him up on that sweet deal!
the_light_of_dawn t1_jeerfwr wrote
Lol, I had half a dozen people from MPower come to my door over the past couple years. I kept telling them politely but firmly "no" and finally just shut the door on the last person mid-sentence. Never came back after that.
beowulf92 t1_jeev2ez wrote
Lol yeah I'm hoping they finally get the hint after this one. Like man, I'm saving you time and trouble shutting that door quickly before you give me your BS elevator speech and I still tell you GTFO.
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