MY_FUCKING_USERNAME t1_itsgcxd wrote
I don't usually drive toll roads, but I recently to a trip across the state and had to use them. I was baffled at the prices.
The tolls cost me more than fuel, and my vehicle gets about half the MPGs of most vehicles on the road.
crypticcircuits t1_itsr0tr wrote
You think it's bad here, it cost me $26 each way to visit my sister in central PA. That's not including the $8 to cross the bridge....ugh
BYNX0 t1_itsvx71 wrote
To be fair, you’re traveling way further on the Penn Tpke (if central pa, most likely at least 60 miles). Turnpike from exits 13 to 18W is like $8 and only like 10-12 miles
FartFragrance t1_itt2c4w wrote
Nice thing about navigation apps is if you're not in a big hurry you can plan a nice scenic route that avoids toll roads.
dexecuter18 t1_ittk8sc wrote
Depends, my problem with Waze and to a lesser extent google was that it would regularly pick routes that would waste a lot of gas trying to sneak out a route, while also not factoring in traffic lights. Stopping and getting up to surface highway speed over a long drive guzzles gas quick. When prices spiked earlier I decided to do some testing with my once a week commute to Piscataway from Pt.Pleasant. And once all was said and done comparing the Parkway and 18 I was actually spending around $3 more on 18 because of the brick wall that is New and East Brunswick.
FartFragrance t1_itu7syp wrote
Ahh YES NJ traffic. There is no escaping it. Luckily for me I can work from home often and even when I do need to commute its usually not during peak times.
SearchContinues t1_iturfxc wrote
My grandma used to talk about how they tolls were supposed to pay for the construction and then be taken down when they had covered the costs. I forget if that was the Parkway or the Turnpike that was supposed to have that happen. She was reeeeealy mad when they instituted EZPass since they weren't supposed to have tolls, heh.
5uck3rpunch t1_itrui0g wrote
Same thing here on all toll roads in Dallas, TX. They always go up every year.