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ThatBitch1984 t1_it2rru4 wrote

Can we stop with the “can we please stop with the ______ posts now” because the posts about people complaining about other peoples posts are all I see in my feed.


RhythmAddict112 t1_it3hyho wrote

Can we stop with the "Can we stop with the 'can we please stop with the ______ posts now' because the posts about people complaining about other peoples posts are all I see in my feed."

I mean sheesh


SHIT-PISSER t1_it49wk4 wrote

Can we stop with the 'Can we stop with the "Can we stop with the 'can we please stop with the ______ posts now' because the posts about people complaining about other peoples posts are all I see in my feed."'

I mean golly gee