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newwriter365 t1_itcdmm1 wrote

Imagine how different the world would be if they volunteered on Saturday mornings, and actually helped people. You know, like watching kids so single parents could run errands without dragging kids from store to store, or pick up an extra shift to earn more money.

Sorry, is that too socialist?


HumanShadow t1_itcev0i wrote

They're rather antagonize people than help people. This is all about them.


Reedster52 t1_itdf9p6 wrote

Right! Imagine if they put that much energy into something charitable


Mr_Matt_K t1_itcgnmx wrote

"Fund the Police"

Is that inclusive of the FBI and Capitol Police?


Deslah t1_itc3n69 wrote

I'm sorry to say that quite a few of these demos are filled with military veterans living off government checks but dissatisfied that others might also be getting government checks. And I say this as a veteran myself. I'm not saying they're not in a bad place, but quite a few are incapable of seeing why they're in that place or why others are where they are. (And yes, hasty generalization without surveying anyone--but hasty generalizations aren't always incorrect.)


storm2k OP t1_itcm9pq wrote

vets getting va benefits and a lot of seniors who get ssa checks and medicare (nevermind that their lord and savior's party wants to cut back or outright eliminate both).


snarkuzoid t1_itcyn7k wrote

Makes my skin crawl every time I see them. WTF is wrong with these people?


hotdoginathermos t1_ith24t0 wrote

This is what happens when you let a "news channel" lie to people and convince them that they should trust no other news sources.


Unknown_Species666 t1_itddfvi wrote

They probably say the same thing when they see you. And they ask themselves the same question.


agconnell t1_itd5rxu wrote

time for folks to get a life and move on


Unknown_Species666 t1_itddjfo wrote

I’m just surprised they want to vote for a guy with a Spanish name: Fernandez.


dogholly62 t1_itesdi9 wrote

They look like the biggest buncha losers out there.


Drophitchr t1_ite8bdb wrote

“At least when I get done masturbating I have something to show for it”-George Carlin


bergenbbwlover t1_itg61tr wrote

Yup 🖕 i will vote blue across the board so my daughters rights are not stolen from her by some criminal republican running for a spot he should not be in !


Dorko30 t1_itg63q0 wrote

I'm calling fake on this. If this was really NJ there would be at least 1 Confederate flag and way more $80k pickup trucks.


storm2k OP t1_ith0wpb wrote

they were parked on the side street behind the other side of the library. trust me, during the height of 2020 they were doing their stupid "truck parades" up and down this stretch of road frequently.


fidelesetaudax t1_itdgp21 wrote

It’s America. Let them have fun.


CanineQueenB t1_itex2p0 wrote

We may not like it but they have a right to be there. This IS the US after all.


pooslayer69 t1_itcoj1n wrote

I’d say you’re just as bad
