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Jetzey7 t1_ixq8n1s wrote

The rents like the rest of hudson county are out of control


Zaiik OP t1_ixqc9dz wrote

she is asking for 3.2k


Jetzey7 t1_ixqepsz wrote

A month, that's more than a mortgage, , rents are absolutely ridiculous, We keep re erecting these idiot politicians on the local, state & federal levels & they are destroying the state. Taxes,water, rent , car insurance are hurting the residents


Zaiik OP t1_ixqetbz wrote

my cousin who ows a house told me that her tax increase by over 200 a month


sweetbitter_1005 t1_ixqqq5a wrote

Maybe she should check with a realtor who can give her information on what similar apartments in the same neighborhood are currently renting for.


Zaiik OP t1_ixrro6i wrote

minimum we saw is 2.5 but 2 bedroom and no parking