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t1_iusr5fh wrote

This is kinda the AOC strategy, isn’t it?


t1_iuss7gk wrote

Democrats have not more widely adopted her approach - direct comms to voters w social media, bypassing interviews and press conferences to go directly to people, not waiting for Republicans to do something before going after them as a party and as individuals, calling out BS and doing it loudly and forcefully - she's well known around the world despite being just a little old house member from Brooklyn. The fact that the Democrats have not gone to her and her team to figure out how to modernize their overall pitch to America's upcoming gen is a failure of the party writ large. It's a strategic failure, an aesthetic failure, and as a result, we have lost ground despite having millions more voters on our side than the fascists do. She's not the only one that does it well, but she's perhaps the most well-known.

Dems are too old, too slow, and too quiet. Too willing to make nice. Too willing to give away the store to avoid conflict. Too willing to compromise without extracting concessions.

GOP is strong and wrong.

Democrats are weak and right.

They have not been able to flip the script on their presentation, and part of this is because AOC and those like her are viewed by party leadership as too young and impulsive, instead of what is needed to adapt to the Internet Age.

Sorry, the slow/doddering/quiet/thinks-its-the-80s Democratic leadership being too unresponsive and slow to join in the fray is a personal pet peeve of mine.