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SnooWords4839 t1_iy1mb9j wrote

Add Maryland and VA drivers to the list!!


newcleargandhi t1_iy29yyn wrote

At this point, ban all drivers. Starting to support seeing more speedtraps with the way people drive on residential roads here. I think they just go 45 everywhere


nancymeadows242 t1_iy3ay8e wrote

THAT'S IT! No more left lane for NY or PA or Jersey drivers until you figure out how to drive nice. ENOUGH! Now go to your states and think about it!!


coreynj2461 t1_iy3d7i0 wrote

Also crack down more on texting and driving. To the asshole that does it at traffic lights, youre costing 2-5 drivers not getting through the intersection...


sirzoop t1_iy3jnf4 wrote

Let's be real they are doing 70 in the 65 and you wanna go 90


wheelman2925 t1_iy3td71 wrote

I think that the NY left lane campers are so beaten down by NYC area traffic that any forward progress is entirely foreign to them. They just can't fathom being in the way of us after a lifetime wasted in gridlock.

The PA drivers are the opposite. They are used to lumbering around dead coal town roads in rusted out Pontiacs and haven't had anywhere to be since the 80s.


BF_2 t1_iy3ttwh wrote

I would too, if I believed it. In my experience it's just as likely OP really means, "I am sick of them clogging the left lane doing 65 in a 65 MPH zone when I want to do 85." And I don t even mind so much that they drive that fast -- if they dont weave.

I try to drive the speed limit and not much faster (if at all), and I do so as far right as feasible. Unfortunately, due to the idiotic way folks tailgate on the on-ramps (and elsewhere), it can be impossible to drive in the rightmost lane due to the impossibility of doing a zipper merge. Hence, I often find myself forced in the lane just left of the right lane. If that's the only left lane, I stay there as short a time as possible. But then I run into the next phenomenon: The asshat who entered the highway at 35 MPH now accelerates to 65 and sits to my right, preventing me from moving back right without either accelerating or slowing A LOT!

Learn to drive, NJ! In particular, leave 2-3 seconds space between cars, everywhere, every time.


nesbett t1_iy44j6b wrote

Virginia drivers, too. Last time I drove south to DC on the turnpike, every, and I mean every single slow left lane driver had Virginia plates. And not just New Jersey slow, but speed limit or slower, slow. Aren't they all supposed to like Nascar?


Accomplished-Log-664 OP t1_iy450i4 wrote

No like actually. I was on 287 yesterday(SL 65), left lane to avoid tractor trailers, guy in front of me had nobody in front of him and I was almost tailgating him while going 45. If they were going 65 I can’t complain but when you’re going 20 under the speed limit and in the left lane it’s dangerous. I almost got rear ended because some speed racer needing to slow down to 45 from 80+


Accomplished-Log-664 OP t1_iy47jf7 wrote

I was literally about to almost be tailgating a guy on 287 while going 45. If they are doing the speed limit, I can’t really complain, I can only be aggravated, but when you are going 20 miles an hour under the speed limit, it is dangerous, especially with the amount of speeders. I almost got rear ended by some guy probably going over 80 because he could not see that we were going that slow past all of the tractor trailers.


BF_2 t1_iy6r9lj wrote

Yeah, same here. I DO believe that serious underspeeding should result in a ticket -- UNLESS there's damned good reason AND that car is in the right lane.

Good reasons are things like: Your hood just popped open and wrapped over your windshield. Your engine just quit and you have almost no power at all. That sort of reasons.

PSA -- when forced to go slow on a freeway, turn on your emergency flashers. That might save your ass -- or that of your car.


CrashZ07 t1_iy6y7tb wrote

A lot of people from NYC suck at driving because they aren’t dependent on it. I knew someone from NYC who didn’t get their license till they were 21 and they only got it because they moved out of the city.

The PA comment doesn’t make sense. There are no coal towns in any of the counties that border NJ.