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TintedGL t1_iy4ne4z wrote

I never opted to give facebook my data tho thats the difference. Its still stealing regardless of what they do with it. Whether it's legal to do or not it isnt consentual if i don't know about it. Dropping your business card is a deliberate act, going to a website completely unrelated to facebook only to have facebook trackers hiding there is not


thebaddmoon t1_iy4o46m wrote

A lot of sites require you to consent in the form of a "This site uses cookies" popup. Ever seen one of those?

You say the site is "completely unrelated to Facebook". The site itself is the one that chooses to install the pixel, in order to extract profit via data collection itself. You can put equal blame on the site owner. Again, assume this is happening to every single commercial website you visit. You are consenting by just going there, because by now you should understand, this is how the internet is monetized.


TintedGL t1_iy4pibr wrote

Just because its how the internet works nowadays doesnt make it any less unethical


thebaddmoon t1_iy4qw0j wrote

I don't know what to tell you. Personally it doesn't feel unethical to me. There are zero negative outcomes for me because of it. I understand the rules of the game and I consent to playing it by visiting websites. Instead of random ads I get more targeted ads, why would I lose any sleep over that?

PBA cards are also considered "unethical" to some, but you still gotta get in the car and drive to work. My advice if you are really concerned with your privacy is to not use websites that have pixels installed. You can also use VPNs and other means to further prevent companies from following your consumer habits. For 99.9999% of people, this is a non-issue, and they are confused when people tell them "Facebook is stealing your data" because it's not really as nefarious as everyone makes it seem.