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boojieboy666 t1_iy3ooks wrote

We need to legalize home grow. It’s absolute bullshit we can’t legally grow.


doglywolf t1_iy40s1g wrote

i thought the original bill allowed some small amount to be grow for private use? did that change?


mooslar t1_iy4fdom wrote

No. AFAIK, home grow is still treated as if weed was never legalized. Straight to jail, felony, very bad, etc.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_iy5osd2 wrote

Homegrow is not allowed at all in the state. They should have at minimum allowed medical users 2-4 plants like every other states medical plans.


KneeDeepInTheDead t1_iy4kp74 wrote

nice username

Although I think if homegrow were allowed from the get-go, it wouldve never gone through. Gotta get your foot in the door first imo.