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East-Reception2170 t1_j2bmulh wrote

Welcome to NJ lmao


being_igor t1_j2bnqxw wrote

Welcome to government employees. Not just Jersey, believe me.


raf_oh t1_j2bxhw5 wrote

It’s at least partly NJ. For instance when I lived in Washington state I was shocked at how nice everyone in their version of the MVC was.

I love living in NJ now but there’s a lot of bitter people here.


being_igor t1_j2by6op wrote

Well I lived in Brooklyn and it was definitely not Washington State.


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2bn54v wrote

😂 LOL! See that’s the problem right there: the normalization of this behavior. Nobody complains, it’s seen as normal, and it’s been this way for decades so nobody cares.