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pleiop t1_iyr0iu4 wrote

It's really infuriating that our communities have to deal with that. We should be able to have reasonably clean air. Ridiculous that has to be said.


nokhfvhj t1_iyr2azn wrote

That nasty smell is the marshland that has died off for the season and is decaying. Once frozen the smell dissipates. New growth in the spring and the cycle continues…


eggdropk t1_iyr2wm3 wrote

There’s also the giant white capsules filled with our waste (read: shit) that sit in a yard alongside the Turnpike waiting to be put on freight trains to Alabama. ~Exit 14/I-78


meowmixplzdeliver1 t1_iyr4oqj wrote

What do they do with our poop


theRealMaldez t1_iyr6596 wrote

Our poop goes to a waste treatment facility where they separate the solids out, then dehydrate those solids and compress them into pellets which are then loaded onto railcars and shipped out west. From there, they'll mix the dried up turd pellets with wood chips and grass clippings and let it fester for a few months, then screen out the woodchips for reuse and use the remaining material as fertilizer. The remaining poop water at the waste treatment facility gets treated with chemicals until it's sanitary and/or pumped into the ocean.


[deleted] t1_iyrd1zg wrote

I work as a machinery mover, we install generators mostly for the processing plants. They all Have their own pungent smells. The worst was working on the top of the vats and replacing a blade of some sort. Wow the smell would make you tear up, you had to throw the shirts out gloves out because it was so disgusting


meowmixplzdeliver1 t1_iyrdupe wrote

Our food is fertilized by our poop? I always it was cows. Anyways interesting but of info, thx for write up


KingJeffreyJoffa t1_iyrftvd wrote

I used to work at that wastewater treatment facility ( Joint Meetings of Essex and Union Counties)

They don't make the pellets anymore, but the dewatered sludge is still trucked out for filler and what not.


spam99 t1_iyr6hdy wrote

exit 13a also has a poop plant right there next to the goethels bridge on NJ side