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BlackWhiteRedYellow t1_j1mhfts wrote

“Slower traffic keep right” signs are posted everywhere. It’s amazing that so many people have trouble interpreting those signs. You are being passed if you are in the left lane going slower than people behind you.

Forcing them to pass on the right or slow down to match your speed creates either unsafe conditions at worst or traffic at best.

Just because you think your are justified in your speed in the left lane because you’re inching past the middle lane doesn’t mean it’s lawful.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1mk21o wrote

Well duh if the lane on the right is empty then I'm not passing anyone and should move over. But if it's not and I pass slower cars, then I own you nothing.


Smacpats111111 t1_j1mn3xm wrote

You should pass cars going at least 10mph faster than them. Any less and it takes you so long to pass that you’re barely even passing, and people will go around in the far right lane. It’s also just not safe to hang out next to cars, ideally you want to be in front or behind them.


SD-777 t1_j1nrf4u wrote

>​Just because you think your are justified in your speed in the left lane because you’re inching past the middle lane doesn’t mean it’s lawful.

Seems like a contradiction, if they are still passing traffic on the right then they are being lawful. That's what I see 99% of the time during my daily 1 hour commute, cars in the left lane slowly passing cars in the middle lane. Except the cars passing on the left aren't passing fast enough for some, even though the regular flow of speed in the left lane is 10-15 mph over the limit. At that point I won't harp on who is breaking the law going over the speed limit as I regularly follow the flow of traffic just like most do.

I just wish that drivers would understand basic physics and realize that cutting off someone leaving a 2 car distance in front of them means they are still stuck in that same traffic lane at the same speed, maybe they will get to their destination 0.0000827 seconds faster. It's really rare I see someone get ahead a few cars, and then magically the highway opens up into total open road.