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-Bk7 t1_j13rfha wrote

I don't get why grocery stores have been popping up at malls. Like I don't want to deal with mall traffic to go grocery shopping. And if I'm going to the mall and then go grocery shopping I'm not leaving the new shit I just bought in my car and can't go grocery shopping first because of shit being left out for too long.


Stigglesworth t1_j149meq wrote

My guess would be that since the traditional tent poles of malls, the department stores, have been slowly dying, grocery stores are filling in that role. Grocery stores don't really have the same level of competition from the internet as normal retail chains.

The grocery store being in the mall also potentially boosts the businesses around it in the mall. Customers can easily justify going to the mall for food and take side trips to other businesses in the same complex.


Ezl t1_j153spn wrote

Yep, and my guess is there’s a competitive pricing element. I don’t know this but I’m surmising that malls can rent space at whatever rate they want so they may give grocery stores a discount so the grocer will make a profit even they it’s a weird place for most people to do grocery shopping.

I’ve also assumed that’s how they attracted an Apple Store.

Anyone: let me know if this is at all how it works or if I’m totally off base.


jerseycityfrankie t1_j13tl1y wrote

The market owners need huge parking lots, where else are they going to find available land for new supermarket development in semi-urban areas?


ghost_robot2000 t1_j13ucfi wrote

I know it makes no sense and the H Mart parking lot in Edison is enough of a mess all by itself. I can't imagine how bad this one will be. H Mart is an awesome store though. They've got all kinds of interesting stuff and it's worth the trip in general.


6Emptybottles t1_j14nkbd wrote

I usually justify going to Edison for the seafood. Its worth the time and effort for the selection. I get there at 8am because of how bad that parking lot is.


mikeyd1276 t1_j14peis wrote

Haha. I grew up near what was then Kilmer Plaza. That parking lot was terrible when it was Tops and Acme. Could only imagine it now!!


jls919 t1_j1743av wrote

Same! I remember consistently seeing car accidents at the entrance of Tops Plaza (as I knew it). My family used to go there for AC Moore and Hollywood Video ☺️


6Emptybottles t1_j14q9v6 wrote

Tops appliances!!! Wow... that's a name from the past. I'm not from around there but remember the name. It is an awful parking lot with all the stores there.


whygohomie t1_j17dnun wrote

American Dream was built predominately for international tourists. In many other countries, it isn't all that uncommon to see grocery mixed into a department store or with apparel and more general goods. That plus the food court for the se seems to be the play.


DerSturmbannfuror t1_j158f0j wrote

Frankly, if the food store has its own entrance and doesn't share most of its parking slots with other stores, then it really won't be any worse then going to a free standing food store, for the most part. Of course a food store across from Giants stadium in a mall That's a tourist attraction is NOT your typical jersey mall


BoujeeMomme t1_j142tzf wrote

They figured the people shopping at the mall may want to kill two birds with one stone where they'll also go grocery shopping before going home?!?!?

I know if I need to go to hmart I'm only going to hmart and not deal with parking like you said at a mall no less🙄?!?!?

The traffic on a Saturday afternoon is bad enough during the holidays so it'd not as easy to go to the Hmart in Paramus but usually it's easy peasy.


PracticableSolution t1_j148adt wrote

The mall has public transit access, which quite frankly is exactly where things like food and heath services should be located.


coreynj2461 t1_j13p24v wrote

But its been 'coming soon' the last year


jerseycityfrankie t1_j13troc wrote

Jersey City’s “Whole Foods” would like a word. Folks in town, years on, now starting to believe it was a hoax all along.


L0v3_1s_War OP t1_j146ysz wrote

That’s what I thought at first but they are hiring, so it looks like H Mart is much closer to getting the store ready to open.


sirusfox t1_j167rhl wrote

And how long did it take them to build the mall in the first place, let's keep some perspective here.


coreynj2461 t1_j18j18r wrote

Lol I remember when it was supposed to open in 2007


iVietGrlX t1_j140utz wrote

American dream mall charges for parking if more than 30 mins. Why would anyone go unless they validate parking ?


p4177y t1_j1466zb wrote

My thought exactly. It's not like there aren't other H-Marts nearby, or Hannam Mart over in Fort Lee. If I don't have to pay for parking at any of those, what exactly is the draw for this one?


L0v3_1s_War OP t1_j14b2cx wrote

From what it looks like (according to the website), the food court is larger compared to other locations, and it’s also one of the first to offer a bar. Other than that, not much else. I don’t think the intention of this H Mart is for it to be a one-stop shop, it adds on to the mall’s amenities.


Bodidiva t1_j16g0ao wrote

I went there last week for the first time despite being 2 miles away. Having an H-mart would give it purpose for those in my household.


FartFragrance t1_j13px62 wrote

Do people still leave their house to go shopping?


sheetskees t1_j14593i wrote

I won't trust a picker to get me the best fresh fruit & veg, nor would I expect them to give a fuck.


FartFragrance t1_j1478h3 wrote

Food shopping is one of the few things I venture out to do on my own as well.


lost_in_life_34 t1_j13v4bp wrote

sometimes i go to return stuff i bought online


FartFragrance t1_j140tfs wrote

This one is so funny to me because it is so true. I think most of the times when I am leaving the house it is running to the UPS store or to Kohl’s to return some things that I bought online from Amazon.


lost_in_life_34 t1_j14328h wrote

I bought some expensive jeans from Nordstrom online and they were drop shipped from the manufacturer. wrong ones and didn't like them. was going to drive to the mall to return but wasn't worth the gas, time or effort to find parking and walk around


TheFuschiaIsNow t1_j16h9n2 wrote

You can also return stuff from Nordstrom at Nordstrom Rack if there’s one closer. Just an FYI.


-686 t1_j13xvuj wrote

Wouldn’t be surprised if Walmart ends up being there


Trainlover1279 t1_j14wbyb wrote

Jesus as the people driving to here are doomed!


whaler76 t1_j13vhzp wrote

Like this area needs another grocery store


BigJakesr t1_j13napw wrote

For what, to replace the 30 other defunct malls in the state.


shmoobel t1_j13rabf wrote

The mall's already there, they're just adding a store.