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solesme t1_j0hpgn3 wrote

Not sure why your post and similar posts are being downvoted. I guess people think that doctors actually care about their well being. I know some do, but others want that $$$ green.


[deleted] t1_j0j8pl9 wrote

Speaking as someone in nursing, there are just as many greed heads in nursing as there are doctors.

You see all these young NPs? Ask them how much clinical experience they have. Go back a decade ago and ask traditional NPs how much clinical experience had. Today that experience could be 0 years. Back then it was around 10 years of nursing.

As for the docs, I can't tell you how many times doc claims meds were ordered and even tells rhe patient so the buck is now on the nurse. Check epic and the order is not fucking there. Try to phone them for hours? No luck. Several hours later? Still no order. This isn't necessary and we don't need a desk jockey coming to talk about decade of med school to make that order.