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grr5000 t1_j2fjhqd wrote

Lol try walking a few blocks outside or away from NJ pac area and let’s see if the statement holds true still.

I mean not to diss it, newark IS getting better than it used to be, but that is a low bar. So applaud the accomplishment but I would not encourage people to walk around without being aware of there surroundings like some people do in NYC


VividToe t1_j2fn033 wrote

I mean, you should always be aware of your surroundings when walking. You’re 13x more likely to get hit by a car in Newark than murdered, though, so that should probably take precedence.


sutisuc t1_j2fty92 wrote

For real the scariest thing in Newark is how damn dangerous it is to walk around downtown and the ironbound due to how poor the pedestrian infrastructure is and how cars just speed by


new_tanker t1_j2fnifw wrote

I agree with being aware of your surroundings no matter what you're doing and where. I feel like in this age of smartphones most people aren't aware of their surroundings and end up in a particularly dangerous situation as a result (and I don't mean in terms of crime).


VividToe t1_j2fnxtx wrote

I jog regularly and the amount of times cars don’t even look before turning or pulling out of driveways - it makes me shudder to think about what would happen if I weren’t so careful. I’d be a stain on the pavement, easily!