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ZookeepergameOk8231 t1_j27f6jh wrote

Exactly. Probable cause has been expanded to anything you can think of. Once they have you pulled over, it is game on to see if they can get in the vehicle to search it and run everything through the computer. All about generating cash.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_j27ismj wrote

Probable cause has not been expanded in NJ if anything it's been far more hindered than anything in NJ recently. Don't wanna get your car searched don't keep firearms and ammo in plain sight together, don't have booze or drugs in the front cockpit visibly or smell of booze (NJ you cannot be searched based on smell of cannabis when pulled over which imo is wrong so many people smoking and driving since legalization and nothing we can do about it and there's been a raise in auto accidents since), don't have anything you're not supposed to in plain site and keep it in your trunk or in the back.

That all said, on a serious note if tints are more allowed and not a trqckable offensive I fear there will more likely be a raise in kidnapping or sexual assault events since you can fully enshroud your vehicle. This makes it easier for predators to manipulate those kidnapped and harder for them to send a distress signal in transit or when pulled over. I'm all for tints for eye sight purposes but you genuinely do not need it to be surround pitch limo black. Gradient options are just as effective and protective for real medical needs especially since most windshields nowadays are also polarized which is supposed to significantly help with light and glare.
