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sirzoop t1_j55hs9u wrote

why? care to elaborate? or do you just hate someone from there?


WhatIsTickyTacky t1_j55j6i2 wrote

Take a look at the other comments. Almost to the one, the suggestions for “worst” are cities which are populated by predominantly Black and brown people. Nearly every time those cities come up on this sub, it’s in the context of how dAnGeRoUs and ScArY they are. That feels shitty to me. So, truly, Millburn/Short Hills takes my vote for worst. It’s small, trafficky, and adds very little to our state and its culture.


meraki_05 t1_j57aor2 wrote

No shit, because the crime in those cities along with urban sprawl helps them make the top of the list. Just because "iT fEeLs sHiTtY" to you doesn't make it any less true. You think too much with your feelings and are quick to make this about "race" No surprise there🤡


[deleted] t1_j56cy5l wrote



WhatIsTickyTacky t1_j56g960 wrote

Harm reduction? Yes. I am in fact a huge fan of people struggling with addiction having access to medical care and safe places to use. I’d rather they not die. I didn’t realize compassion was considered bias and hatred but the internet teaches me new things every day!