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PhatSaint t1_j6nobhn wrote

>Legislation in recent years — and Murphy’s recent remarks — called for
reforms that would add new licenses. Those opposed to these changes said
adding new liquor licenses would immediately devalue the businesses of
current license holders. They emphasize that this would be unfair to
those who invested in purchasing a license. Singleton said his
legislation instead focuses on already existing licenses. According to
estimates cited by Singleton, there are between 1,000 and 1,400 inactive
liquor licenses in New Jersey.

Honestly this sounds like a "Too bad" kind of situation. The liquor license situation is terribly outdated and I'm not sure this bill to expand purchases outside municipalities is much of a practical solution. I think a better solution would be to get rid of the system all together and then maybe have the state offer a "stimulus" system for small-businesses to help them recover the some of the cost they put into buying liquor licenses.


SyndicalistCPA t1_j6olt6q wrote

Should be limited by the date of purchase and only applied to relatively recent purchase of a liquor license.

Older holders already had the massive benefit of the limited supply.