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polchickenpotpie t1_j3hdr9z wrote

Who exactly do you think is prescribing weed? Some surfer dude in a lab coat?

You're arguing over a made up boogeyman. Actual doctors get you a medical Marijuana card, and even if they didn't weed isn't dangerous. I know Nancy Reagan convinced you it's the Devil's lettuce, but if you actually trust experts you'd realize you're being contradictory in your beliefs. Your worries about fake cards means jack when teens can just buy it off some random guy at a party every day, it's a moot arguing point.

Weed doesn't give you or people around you lung canger like nicotine. It's not addictive like nicotine, alcohol, opioids or hard drugs. It's not the leading cause of vehicular deaths like alcohol, it's not even near the top of the list. It has benefits for people like my father in law, who is a Desert Storm veteran and has had it prescribed by his doctor for nerve damage and PTSD.

You're just ignorant and trying to justify that ignorance with a made up scenario of quacks prescribing cards, as if this would have any sort of negative effect on society at large even if it was true. Meanwhile, over 30 Americans die every day due to drunk driving accidents, but I'm sure you're not going to get on a soapbox about the dangers of alcohol.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_j3hg8qm wrote

Nancy Regan? How old do you think I am? You sure I wasn't in diapers while she was relevant?

I'm not on a soap box talking about the dangers of marijuana either. I was talking about the dangers of leaving medical policy decisions to the public rather than to experts. Alcohol is not prescribed as a treatment for anything and doctors very often advise against consumption. I'm not sure of the relevance alcohol has to the conversation. You seem to be confusing the issue of recreational marijuana with medical marijuana. And that's my point. Voters often vote on medical marijuana issues as if they are recreational marijuana issues.
