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t1_j4virjt wrote

I was just thinking about how great libraries are the other day when I walked out with a huge pile of books - for free! I also love listening to audiobooks in the car — for free! And my son and husband just took a workshop on using a laser cutter - pretty neat…

The Hunterdon County library system is really doing great things, and they recent joined up with the Morris County system so now even more resources are available.


t1_j4waq0c wrote

Man, the more I read about a "library economy" the more interested I get. The library is such a fantastic concept and should be expanded further to other things. Need tools to work on a project at home? Check out the tools at the library!

A good video on Library Economics if you have the time:


t1_j4x965j wrote

The Union Library (union county) will have a section for tools, cook ware, and other everyday items when it reopens. Hoping it spreads fast


t1_j4y0gsr wrote

Growing up in Union Township, the library was and is the biggest asset that township has. I am so glad it’s being recognized and they are investing in it more.


t1_j4zt3wr wrote

No need to wait until we reopen, as our Library of Things is up and running, even in our temporary space! 😉 Stop by and have a look! - Emily from UPL


t1_j4wnv8t wrote

Tool Libraries exist and fantastic resources, but I don’t know if any good ones in NJ. I would love to find one!


t1_j4x27ui wrote

I’m also a big supporter (and admin) of my local Buy Nothing gifting economy group where we give, ask, and express gratitude. We will be setting up little lending libraries within our group to lend stuff, like a tool library or kitchen equipment etc.


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t1_j4xn4bg wrote

In the more religious Jewish world, we have these things called Gemachs that are basically exactly this, and they exist for the most random things. Where I live (bergen county), there's one for Medical Supplies, Wedding Gowns, Fancy Table Cloths and Centerpieces, Tools, all kinds of things. It's definitely a concept that would be cool to see go mainstream


t1_j4wtsl2 wrote

I need to know more about this laser cutter workshop...


t1_j4x9erq wrote

You can find everything on the Hunterdon County Library website. Right now it’s only at the North County Branch in Clinton, but the they are remodeling the HQ branch in Flemington with a makerspace that will have one as well.


t1_j4xc6ax wrote

Hunterdon County Library system is the best! The programs are awesome and the free apps are great. We’re at one branch or another constantly.

The kids section at the County HQ branch is like a mini kids museum.


t1_j4wytbc wrote

I was fully expecting you to say:

> And my son and husband just took a workshop on using a laser cutter - ~~pretty neat~~ for free!


I actually feel a little let down as such.


t1_j4x1z77 wrote

well, it was for free, but I didn’t want to get carried away 😊


t1_j4x8npl wrote

This honestly was some serious inspo to visit my local library. I haven't beeen to a library in ages but it's right down the road so I really feel like I should.


t1_j4xb2dl wrote

some libraries aren’t embracing their future as a community activity center, but if you’re lucky, there are all sorts of great things available - the latest addition to my local library is a pottery kiln! I’m so excited! 🎉


t1_j4ztkfz wrote

Librarian here. You definitely should! I think you’d be pleasantly surprised how libraries have modernized in the last few decades. Most offer great online resources too at no extra cost, but you’ll need an active library card to access them.