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no_brain_st t1_j4xaae8 wrote

If anyone here uses your public library frequently please ask if they are taking advantage of the E-rate program for their internet. It provides schools and libraries between 25%-90% off internet access and internet upgrades. Discount is based off the closest school district poverty level. Since libraries typically have very tight budgets, taking advantage of these funds can really make a difference. If they have concerns there are plenty of consultants in the state that will do the process for them.


brickxbrickxbrick t1_j4xks6l wrote

The one draw back is that to be eligible for E-rate funding, libraries must filter their internet access. This goes against the principle of freedom to access information,which is held by many libraries. That said, you are correct. For those that are willing to filter, the Erate program is a wonderful source of saving.