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synchrohighway t1_j8rtocz wrote

Eh. I was formula fed and most people I know was too and now in our 30s, the people with the best health are the ones that had healthy eating habits in their 20s and teens while people battling cholesterol and pre diabetes and obesity are the ones that didn't.


cutestslothevr t1_j8s0ail wrote

The article is about formulas making claims about increased development and health in marketing, beyond what's normal or expected. It's not saying that they're unhealthy or bad, just that their marketing is misleading.


synchrohighway t1_j8s296k wrote

Ia. What you eat as you get older makes much more of a difference than formula vs breast milk.


Burnstryk t1_j8sfbm2 wrote

Damn you made it to your 30s, you big healthy boy you. Can we get this guy a medal for not having cholesterol or pre diabetes?