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maybebatshit t1_j8s6v94 wrote

My three kids have all been formula fed and they're bright, happy, healthy children. That said, it bothers me a lot that formula is marketed with claims about medical benefits that have never been scientifically proven. I am very much team fed is best, but lying about the health aspects when it comes to food for babies to turn a profit is vile.


thekittysays t1_j8sqwru wrote

This is why I ascribe to informed is best. People deserve to have all the information, including the shitty marketing practices/unsubstantiated claims of formula companies (which has definitely undermined breastfeeding in various circumstances) and the difficulties of breastfeeding etc. And then they can make an informed decision about what is most suitable for their family.


Frhetorick t1_j8tgmkx wrote

Exactly. I can't stand blanket statements about a particular thing being the "best". Every individual is different and there are plenty of different reasons why a baby may need to be either breastfed or formula fed or even both.