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t1_ja8hgjp wrote



t1_ja8k448 wrote

I wouldn't want to be a judge for that event. If she doesn't win, then "anyone who didn't vote for her is just transphobic." If she does win, "it's only because she's Trans".

No matter what happens, they're going to get hated upon.


t1_ja8sg0k wrote

Pretty much. Going to be a shit show.

Would be more interesting if the judges didn't know she was trans. Seeing it is a beauty contest I imagine part of the subjective scoring will be based on an unconscious "can I breed with her" factor (actually make babies, not just practice) and could unintentionally bias males judges regardless of their conscious openness to the concept.

Tangent, but that would be a fun research project. Does telling a male a woman is sterilized impact their perceived attractiveness? How about trans instead? How do the impacts compare?


t1_jaa1kur wrote

I think it would say more about the person answering those questions than the subjects at hand.


t1_jaaumm2 wrote

How so?

It would be finding out how much does perceived fertility impacts what is considered attractive (already a subjective measure that changes based on culture and history). They whole point would to be if there is, and how much, a subconscious weighting based on that.

Similar studies have been done on equally frivolous (in the context that someone being fertile or not does not change they worth or value as a person) variables and generally they have interesting results.

Not really related to the subject of the thread, hence the prefix of "tangent", except the whole thing is around a beauty pageant where we already reduce women to the role of object and score them on it.


t1_ja8it59 wrote

Nice r/PersecutionFetish you got there.


t1_ja8j24k wrote



t1_jaa2w3p wrote

A trans woman has already competed in and lost the Miss Universe Pageant in 2018…

I guess you survived the Twitter shitstorm somehow?


t1_ja9gaa9 wrote

People who use Twitter as their standard for whether you’ll get bullied irl are chronically online. The Twitterati are nasty to everyone. You could tweet that you like sunshine and happiness and you’ll have an army of Twitter idiots bullying you. It’s where mentally ill bullies flock to after they finish high school.


t1_jaag37t wrote

The issue is that some of us can't socialize IRL and online sites like that are our only ways to be social. :(


t1_ja8klfu wrote

You must live a sad, frustrating life. I pity you, I really do.


t1_ja8madl wrote

Judges give a rating, they don’t just vote for one person, so if they refused to give a rating to just one person because they’re a trans person, wouldn’t that be a valid claim?


t1_ja8nmju wrote



t1_ja8o4qm wrote

If they do their job to the best of their ability, I see no issue. If they refuse or take some stance by obviously and admittedly fixing the participants chances because of their trans status, that’s bigotry and has no place in that position, they should be removed and the public should be informed why.


t1_ja8yvpf wrote

Why do you bigots insist on outing yourselves so quickly on posts like these?
