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StickcraftW t1_j9cyowi wrote

I think that these problems have always been there and relevant, and people are only just now waking to how bad things truly are, because it’s directly in front of their faces. Which says something because if they’re willing to just throw this news in peoples faces, it means they’ve gotten away with so much they see no reason to care anymore.


Antennae4013 t1_j9drwce wrote

I know people like to say this for the sake of argument, and it's a good point but it's one factor of many - things are definitely getting worse. Economic inequality is rising, we've had a major pandemic on top of an increase in natural disasters, political divides are bigger than they ever have been, little things like traveling and buying groceries are becoming more and more difficult, people are working more hours, money is flowing freely into our political system so corruption is running rampant, global warming is a very real threat with no solution, violence and mass shootings are becoming more and more common, retirement is starting to look more and more impossible for many. It's bad. It's not just that we're hearing about it now, it's also that our health, security, and happiness are starting to erode.


kstinfo t1_j9e4b4o wrote

I was going to expand on your comment but I think you got it all. What remains to be seen is if 'good' people can or will step up to a degree necessary to make a difference.

Ben Franklin, after the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, was asked what kind of government the people could expect. He replied, "A republic, if you can keep it."