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autoposting_system t1_j6xuzum wrote

Well this doesn't make any sense. There are actually junk dealers that float sunk ships and tow them someplace and sell them for scrap. Somebody will take this and cut it to pieces if you just let them


IBAZERKERI t1_j6xxt39 wrote

might have to do with the asbestos in the ship.

also if you read the first sentance of the article they state turkiye refused its entry (to be scrapped in turkiye) because of environmental hazards.


DudeWithAnAxeToGrind t1_j70zti1 wrote

That's what they were trying to do. But no country is accepting her, because the ship is in a such a bad shape that it can sink at some point en route. Nobody wants to risk her sinking in their territorial waters.


jwm3 t1_j70nmzx wrote

No one is willing to let it get close to their shore due it likely sinking on the way and blocking or damaging their ports and releasing all its gunk right by their coast.