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A_Gent_4Tseven t1_j9oe3o5 wrote

I’d be more worried for the possibility of the connections between Aryan/Nazi/Nationalist Groups in America with ties outside looking to test local police response to “active shooters” to watch for response time and angles of approach. With all the shit that’s been brewing and connections to US terrorist cells and international Aryan and Nazi orgs outside the US(they found connections to the people who planned that Germany thing iirc to people in the US), I’d honestly be more worried if it was connected to people like that.. MTG is talking about the fucking South “rising again” sooo. Probably not the case but it’s something that nitpicks at my head.


freebirth t1_j9riuhh wrote

apparemtly it was traced to ethipoia. so it sounds like some chinese state agents out of there. but thats a guess on my part.