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kslusherplantman t1_j9zro5f wrote

While I fully understand that point… and in regards to other things, sure…

But crystals?!? Yeah nope


aLittleQueer t1_ja0t5wq wrote

I mean...the person said they use it as a meditative aid. What's to "nope" about that? Honestly, I'm not even sure what claims you're rejecting.


kslusherplantman t1_ja0vyl6 wrote

Crystals causing healing, blah blah blah. Nope, and hard nope.

It’s not even pseudoscience.

Sure phrenology was a thing for a long time, doesn’t make it correct…


kaerfehtdeelb t1_ja1kz7e wrote

That claim was never made here though? They literally stated multiple times they were used as a meditative tool. There are people that think stones replace science but that's not the sole belief. The majority use them just as the commenter does, as meditative tools. Physical objects to focus on to direct intention, totems during the self improvement process. It's fine if you don't believe that's needed but don't shit on someone else's practice, especially when you're operating under your own bias.

Edit to add a direct quote from the commenter, in a comment above, "Are the stones realistically having an impact on reality, or me? No!" This is the common use and view of these stones. You're assuming everyone who uses them in their practice believes they heal all and have magical powers, which is entirely untrue for the majority of those who use them.


aLittleQueer t1_ja1swrd wrote

Um...that's not the conversation that's being had here, though.