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t1_ja6z8mw wrote

Nah. Trump wasn't the problem, he was a symptom of it. The right wing had been going down that road for a long time. Trump and his cronies simply told them what they wanted to hear.


t1_ja7hjrc wrote

If you’d told 1990s me that we’d come to a point where the Republican Party and American conservatives were openly schilling for Russia and strongman, pro-authoritarian/proto-fascist leaders like Putin, Orban, Kadyrov, Lukashenko, etc… I wouldn’t have believed you.

I grew up at the end of the Cold War, saw the Berlin Wall come down, and caught the end of the proxy war in Afghanistan. Russia was “the enemy” and the authoritarian, Communist regime they represented was bad. Now we’ve got Putin who wants to be president/dictator for life, suppress rights and freedoms, and hates America. The conservatives, who wouldn’t have been caught dead saying anything good about the USSR, are openly praising his strongman posturing and the iron fist he tries to run his country with.


t1_ja8fp9a wrote

Right there with you. Solid GenX here.

Lately i'm just fucking speechless at the pro-Russian spew from the GOP.

Like, they've openly said - for fucking decades - that their goal is to destabilize and destroy as much of America as possible. Last I checked, that's still their perhaps largest geo-political aspiration.

Not to mention Putin has been nothing if not consistent in his desire to watch us burn. I sincerely believe that he's capable of 'pushing the button' taking us all out rather than being perceived as a failure on the world stage.

He's fucking dangerous in a way that's too often missed because he doesn't shout and pound tables.