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enzovrlrd t1_j8559sk wrote

It's wonderful that the forest gets protected but your oxygen mostly comes from algae in oceans


IgDailystapler t1_j855hlo wrote

The algae does do a lot of the heavy lifting, but the Amazon does pump out a pretty good amount of oxygen (it also has some incredible flora and fauna, yet another reason why it should be protected)


enzovrlrd t1_j856flc wrote

That's not true, tropical forests are carbon and oxygen neutral in their cycle


IgDailystapler t1_j8571k5 wrote

This is true, you’re right (I was mainly saying that it does produce oxygen, not that it really goes anywhere, which I’ll admit does sound a bit misleading now that I look back on it). If I remember correctly, it’s actually emitting more carbon dioxide than it absorbs atm…which is quite annoying considering most of that carbon is coming from the people who keep lighting it on fire to make room for farms.