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W4ffle3 t1_j7598je wrote

>The 2nd amendment was written to guarantee your right to protect yourself from these animals.

"You need guns to protect yourself from people with guns."

Galaxy brain argument.


vonhoother t1_j75ebok wrote

The 2nd Amendment was written to satisfy Framers who were afraid of a standing [federal] army and slaveholders who wanted to preserve their right to mount armed patrols to catch people escaping slavery. The standing federal army has been a fact of life for more than two centuries; slavery was abolished in 1865; so the 2nd Amendment is now useful as a fundraising tool for the NRA and the Republican party, and to make domestic violence more deadly.

Today's ultra-simplistic interpretations of the 2nd Amendment are a fraud, as former Chief Justice Warren Burger said. I honestly think Justice Clarence Thomas (author of the Bruen decision, now being cited to restore gun rights to wife-beaters) detests this country and is using his position to destroy it with its own constitution.
