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MalcolmLinair t1_j9ln32a wrote

>the Arizona Supreme Court claimed the Supreme Court ruling didn't apply in Arizona.

In other words, the Arizona Supreme Court doesn't understand how the US Federal Justice System works.


DentateGyros t1_j9ludsb wrote

On the contrary, the Arizona Supreme Court knows exactly how the federal justice system works. They just don’t care.


Most_Ruin_3005 t1_j9nka90 wrote

This is, unfortunately, almost every state-level high court these days. They know the the federal government doesn't have real teeth to enforce anything, judicially, right now, so a lot of state courts are just flagrantly ignoring federal rulings.


HugoRBMarques t1_j9lwxu4 wrote

And 4 out of 9 in SCOTUS don't neither.


Rork310 t1_j9nvzeg wrote

Pretty fucking bizarre we've got a situation where 4 of the 9 Supreme Court judges are ok with saying "Nah you don't actually have to listen to the Supreme Court"