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wolf-bot t1_j95f2g2 wrote

Could have been avoided if there was a child standing on the side of the road.


buttergun t1_j95rotz wrote

The Florida State Legislature is debating a bill that would replace construction zone traffic cones with 8 year old children. It seems like they would work for emergency responders too.


WeArePanNarrans t1_j95zj31 wrote

About time someone recognizes the importance of putting children to work. The sooner they learn the value of labor the better.


VegasKL t1_j96z2pm wrote

Added bonus that their small stature and fingers can get into tight spaces! Plus, they'll work for literal peanut M&M's.

/Industry Rejoices


bobjoylove t1_j96hh5j wrote

The only problem is stacking them for transport.


buttergun t1_j96kr1c wrote

Just charter some jets and fly 'em in from Texas. Duh.


VegasKL t1_j96za8w wrote

Those planes only fly to democratic states.