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jayfeather31 t1_ja9ig3j wrote

How is this an actual headline? I feel like I'm losing my mind here!


Imnotlikeothergirlz t1_ja9ldi3 wrote

I'm right there with you. I feel like I need an adult.


soda_cookie t1_ja9n890 wrote

Good luck finding one....


CedarWolf t1_jaagh0s wrote

All the adults have fled to the left and center. The GOP has become the party of raving lunacy, and they seem to be proud of it.


UoFSlim t1_jactpzk wrote

As one would expect from a band of mindless psychotics.


Krillin113 t1_jabpk3q wrote

Because someone thought it was a good idea to go to a coup attempt wearing this.


Ksh_667 t1_jadii40 wrote

Imagine the thought process involved: : “today I’m going to overthrow our oppressive government in the name of freedom & democracy. Wearing my panda suit.”