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Bad_Faith_Detector t1_jaa7xsu wrote

This just sent a strong wave of fear into the traitors who haven't been caught yet. The guy whose identity was completely hidden has now been caught. Only a matter of time until they arrest the next one.

I love that 2 years on and they are still arresting these dumb fucks. Just when they think they got away with it another arrest gets made public reminding them that they are still being hunted.


dkggpeters t1_jaamxev wrote

They had to wait as Panda hunting season is short and only every two years.


602Zoo t1_jae9yh4 wrote

They arrest these people that were whipped up into a frenzy by a former president that stole top secret documents. Why are the regular schmucks the only ones doing prison time? I'm not saying they shouldn't, I'm saying Trump should even moreso than these sheep.