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47_47_47 t1_jabg73w wrote

The shirt says 天滅中共 or tiān miè Zhōng Gòng (Heaven destroy the CCP). I looked the phrase up online as I hadn't heard it before, and no surprise, these shirts are available from the Epoch Times -- who, as the propaganda wing of Falun Gong, has been extremely supportive of the Trump administration, mostly because he's anti-China (and therefore the CCP?). The panda head must then be some kind of weak commentary on China, but who has any idea what it could be.


hiimsubclavian t1_jadhy0l wrote

It was also a slogan during the Hong Kong protests. If this guy's Falungong he'd probably be wearing 法輪大法好 or some shit.


47_47_47 t1_jaepgja wrote

no, I don't think he's falungong, I think he's been watching too much Epoch Times. Maybe he's a HK supporter but democratic process doesn't seem to be his thing.


Ok-Welder-4816 t1_jaf0wyj wrote

To be fair, the Falun Gong have some legit gripes with the CCP