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Nakagura775 t1_j98a4lh wrote

Weren’t there millions of buffaloes in that area in the past?


Kyle197 t1_j98fig2 wrote

Bison and cows feed on different parts of ecosystems, and have different impacts. They're not analogous.


DanMorgan405 t1_j98ebvg wrote

Buffalo are found in Africa. Are you talking about Bison?


blackluck64 t1_j99ijau wrote

Between 30- 60 million of them in fact for thousands of years. Strangely enough, no ecological degradation.

The US military killed almost all of them until only a few hundred remained. We (meaning the US) wanted to deprive native peoples a source of food. (By 1884 only 300 or so remained.)

Ain't America grand.