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MalabaristaEnFuego t1_ja900i4 wrote

Likely a mid air collision with an object, strong likelihood it was a large bird. I worked for a different medical aviation company and they had a similar type of wreck with a bird collision. Bird crashed through a windshield on the pilot's side killing the pilot or disabling him, and the whole thing crashed. There may be a news article somewhere to dig up. I can't remember exactly where it happened though, somewhere in the northern midwest of the US.


galspanic t1_ja9mezl wrote

Likely? At 19,000 feet you’re not running many birds and during a winter storm you’ll see even fewer.


AnonymousShmuck t1_ja9dwe4 wrote

It's possible a bird might have struck the tail horizontal stabilizer. That piece along with the tip of the right wing was missing from the wreckage (by 1/2-3/4 mile) implying that it came off prior to the aircraft hitting the ground.