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AudibleNod t1_j7mecwu wrote

I'll never get over the fact that Harry Whittington publicly apologized to Dick Cheney for getting shot in the face by Cheney.

Also, I've brought it up before on Reddit. But we've heard from Clinton, Bush and Obama about not having classified documents. We haven't heard from Cheney if he did a sweep. And the last mention of "classified documents" and "Cheney" was a story where he said his office would not comply with an executive order regarding them.


Free-Scar5060 t1_j7mh6n4 wrote

Cheney is one of the handful of people who probably gets a yessir whenever he says no to a lawful request or order.


BBTB2 t1_j7mm2hq wrote

Cheney was / still is probably one of the most powerful motherfuckers to ever come through our politics, most definitely the most powerful VP (at time of vice presidency).


SuicydKing t1_j7p1fcw wrote

Bush Sr, former CIA director and Nixon crony. He was assigned as Reagan's handler. Got a lot of cover from Bill Barr for Cold War shenanigans. Probably did all of the stuff that Reagan 'could not recall'.


Liet-Kinda t1_j7pauzn wrote

Whenever I hear people talk about those dignified, kindly statesmen the Republicans used to be, this is what I think about.


IAlreadyFappedToIt t1_j7mobz4 wrote

You know that South African diplomat in that Lethal Weapon movie who says, "diplomatic immunity?" I hear his voice, but it's Cheney yelling, "Unitary Executive!"


PyrrhoTheSkeptic t1_j7mues5 wrote

>I'll never get over the fact that Harry Whittington publicly apologized to Dick Cheney for getting shot in the face by Cheney.

His other option was for Cheney to finish the job. So he decided to apologize instead.


aLittleQueer t1_j7ognky wrote

All I know is: when you shoot someone in the face and then they apologize to you...that's gangster-as-fuck.


shewy92 t1_j7pn8k8 wrote

Did we hear from Al Gore? Otherwise why mention Cheney?


AudibleNod t1_j7ppddc wrote

Because Cheney would not comply with an order while in office. And the post of about Cheney's infamous victim.

But I did look it up:

>Quayle confirmed to CNN that everything was turned over to the Archives, and sources familiar with the records of Cheney said he also turned everything over when he left the White House. A spokesperson for Gore said he and his staff turned everything over when leaving the White House and no classified material has been discovered since.