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Copeshit t1_j7mtodd wrote

> He's basically the closest thing the United States has to a Darth Vader

Redditors try not to compare politics to Star Wars and superhero movies for children [impossible challenge]


Asyncrosaurus t1_j7nfjzm wrote

  1. Its not just reddit, it's all political discourse on the internet.

  2. You forgot to include Harry potter.


Copeshit t1_j7nu9wo wrote

> Its not just reddit, it's all political discourse on the internet.

It's overwhelmingly prevalent on reddit though, the "X is literally Palpatine/Voldemort" meme has been associated with the redditor stereotype since like 2018.

> You forgot to include Harry potter.

Redditors have quieted down on the Harry Potter references recently, for reasons related to JK Rowling that you probably already know about.


strahag t1_j7oce44 wrote

Star Wars is filled with political commentary. Though not the Darth Vader parts lol