Submitted by TheDodoBird t3_11awldk in news
PPQue6 t1_j9vhylp wrote
Reply to comment by SgtWaffleSound in Daily use of marijuana raises risk of heart disease, study finds by TheDodoBird
Also hasn't been published or reviewed. I've noticed a huge uptick in garbage anti cannabis studies being posted on CNN. Someone is definitely pushing an agenda.
pebkacerrorspersist t1_j9vtzdh wrote
> I've noticed a huge uptick in garbage anti cannabis studies being posted on CNN.
Brought to you by GOP SuperPAC Donors and Religious Zealots.
PPQue6 t1_j9vyh4w wrote
That's how you say....a bingo!
ZenLitterBoxGarden t1_j9xyr3i wrote
Ya just say bingo..
Kittydander503 t1_j9wqyju wrote
Apparently THCV acts much like Adderall. Big pharma doesn’t like the sound of that.
Parrot32 t1_j9yhakq wrote
Interesting. As a Cannabis user Ive heard wild things about THCV but its expensive in these parts. can you point me to that study, friend?
Kittydander503 t1_j9zu5zd wrote
Full disclosure...was at the local dispensary the other day and the 'seemingly' knowledgeable sales associate was telling me that edibles high in THCV had a 'focusing' effect ad that users had told him that they had actually given up use of adderall. So, lot's of hearsay. This store is pretty particular about the brands they carry and this particular edible was made by a brand called Garden Society. Here in California...the whole bag was $16.
[deleted] t1_ja8pei9 wrote
Random_Average__Guy t1_j9y1s2l wrote
Can’t afford to have their profits to be affected by this Mary juana nonsense.
[deleted] t1_j9wf8hq wrote
[deleted] t1_j9x2gbr wrote
[deleted] t1_j9y4udo wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ypvcd wrote
[deleted] t1_ja0r054 wrote
ahfoo t1_j9wuwob wrote
Yeah, in the peer-reviewed world, we're seeing the exact opposite.
Over 150,000 people were studied and they found strong evidence of reduced blood pressure among long-term cannabis smokers. Published in Nature this month.
genaio t1_j9zsebe wrote
From the linked study:
>Nevertheless, the small association in BP differences between heavy cannabis users and never users or between current cannabis users and never users remain too small to adopt cannabis-blood pressure policy in clinical practice.
That's not strong evidence.
Ins0mnia1 t1_ja436ms wrote
I have smoked mj daily since I was 19, I am 74 now. My wife is 76 and she also smoked everyday since she was 20. We are both in perfect health. My blood pressure is 110/70. I walk on a treadmill for 40 min every day to stay in shape. I have had a successful life and have a comfortable retirement. No heart problems for either of us and it has been years since either of us were sick with anything.
[deleted] t1_j9x6it6 wrote
CrowVsWade t1_j9wz2he wrote
Plenty of studies also showing potential problems caused by cannabis use, outside cardiovascular concerns.
MAGICHUSTLE t1_j9yc2zp wrote
Link some of them!
CrowVsWade t1_ja1a68b wrote
Happy to, but if you're sincerely interested this wouldn't be difficult to search for yourself, even on Google Scholarly. This subject so often just devolves into people being 'pro weed' in some fashionable pop-culture Facebook-as-source sense, versus serious academic consideration. Hence all these stoned downvotes.
A good starting point might be here [] as it lists a large array of clinical areas with existing research and known risks and also benefits, per condition. Within each section you'll find references out to many supporting studies, source and commentary.
If you want more:
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol effects in schizophrenia: Implications for cognition, psychosis, and addiction -
Adverse effects of cannabis on health: An update of the literature since 1996 -
Epidemiologic review of marijuana use and cancer risk -
Testing hypotheses about the relationship between cannabis use and psychosis -
Cannabinoids and psychosis -
Associations between modes of cannabis use in daily life with concurrent and longitudinal hazardous use and consequences -
Cloudy with a chance of munchies: Assessing the impact of recreational marijuana legalization on obesity -
Health outcomes associated with long-term regular cannabis and tobacco smoking -
Is the relationship between early-onset cannabis use and educational attainment causal or due to common liability? -
Again, 5-10 mins of a real search will find countless results exploring this area. Clinical and scientific research into the pros and cons of cannabis use either recreationally or clinically is a quickly growing area. The idea cannabis is simply good/safe/doesn't pose serious health risks is simply false. We don't know that, and really the opposite - we already see it has numerous risks that require more research, as with the benefits. Also, a regular user of cannabis, for clinical benefits, and opposed to its illegality. Neither of those mean it's known to be safe.
CrowVsWade t1_ja1z1lm wrote
See, you two are so stoned you can't click straight.
m1sterlurk t1_ja60pzq wrote
I feel I should point out you replied to your own comment here, but there's another more pressing matter here.
The dynamic of "totally safe" vs. "marijuana will make you murder your family" exists because that is one of the many ways that prohibition damages society.
If possessing a substance carries criminal penalties, any level of nuance to the conversation about the substance flies out the window. Those who support the prohibition of the substance view users as "under the control of the substance" and will use that view to justify dismissal of anybody who argues against the prohibition. Because of this demand for purity, those who use or know anything about the substance are not going to be inclined to associate with people who will shit on them for having an opinion.
The people who do not support prohibition but do not view a drug as totally harmless are removed from the conversation. They cannot research the drug without risking criminal penalties and loss of rights for possessing the drug. If they speak their mind, they can be potentially subject to investigation that is intended to find a way to punish them for having spoken out.
This leaves those who are hardline supporters of the drug in the conversation: those who are willing to face incarceration or death in defiance of prohibition. Like the prohibitionists, this group leans towards an extreme. Therefore, they will also tend to speak in more "absolute" language. Unfortunately, the "middle of the road" crowd is unable to reason with them for the same reason they cannot reason with prohibitionists: prohibitionists will find a way to punish them for saying something other than "this drug makes you murder your family".
Do note that the prohibitionists are responsible for both sides of this silencing of moderates and not just their own debate. Those who support ease of access to whatever drug aren't going to send moderates to forced labor camps for disagreeing with them. They also don't send prohibitionists to forced labor camps for disagreeing with them, but considering how much harm prohibition has done to society perhaps doing so might serve as a deterrent.
CrowVsWade t1_ja6d7do wrote
The politicization of cannabis and related plants has very little to do with the scientific realities of what we do know about the pros and cons, and the far larger amount we don't know. The same can be said for most large cases of prohibition. That's usually a political decision.
My comment was focused on the latter, related to actual clinical and scientifically sound research on same, and growing evidence that the impacts might be far more mixed (at best) than the decidedly non-scientific pro weed lobby would like to be the case, or like to have acknowledged in open discussion. The cannabis debate, such as it is, is highly partizan. Scientific research doesn't hold much similarity to public debate.
m1sterlurk t1_ja838xn wrote
You don't seem to follow what I was getting at.
This clinical research that you wish to promote over the "pro-weed" lobby is somewhere between 50 and 60 years behind because prohibition was a hard obstacle to that research being conducted. Marijuana has been prohibited at the federal level since 1937, when its prohibition was passed with motivations provided and promoted by one Harry Anslinger. Anslinger believed marijuana caused the degenerate races to think they are equal to the white man and that smoking marijuana would cause our youth associate with Jews. The variance between the "paraphrase" I present and the "actual quote" in both of those instances is negligible.
It doesn't matter if the "pro-weed lobby's" research is 100% full of shit or 100% true. The "pro-weed" lobby didn't forcibly stand in the way of researchers with more neutral intentions. Prohibitionists did. You could "technically" conduct research on marijuana throughout prohibition, but the weed was grown at one government farm and you had to apply for permission to access it for research. If your hypothesis even hinted at trying to prove that marijuana caused less harm than government propaganda stated, you weren't getting permission.
We had the option of being more clear on the concept that "just because it takes a massive quantity of THC to cause a fatal overdose doesn't mean the quantity that will cause you to develop schizophrenia isn't unattainable". We would have found that out sooner if our laws did not operate on the assumption that smoking one joint will turn you into a permanent rapist.
Cannabis and its relationship to cancer: both in terms of what products in cannabis can be of benefit to those with cancer as well as dangers of cancer presented by various means of cannabis consumption, would be better understood if cannabis consumption of any type were not considered "getting stoned". I feel that the cancer risks from smoking it are a "no shit sherlock" thing. I used to smoke a pack and a half of Marlboro Menthols a day. I have never smoked a volume of marijuana equal to the volume of that tobacco in less than a week and I have had some periods of VERY heavy usage in my life. Research into cancer risks from other means of consumption were fully impeded by prohibition.
Idiots who think something cures everything exist across the medical and pseudo-medical fields. Have you had your chakras realigned with a tincture of 0.00001% vegan mineral oil and a shiny blue rock up your ass? You know that is a horrible idea because mineral oil and shiny blue rocks are not criminalized. When legal prohibition doesn't stand in the way, the researchers with the intentions you desire: whether it be a truly neutral approach or an approach that is predicated on the the assumption that the substance presents danger from the onset, works as a force to suppress the extreme nonsense as a natural force. Because prohibition broke that dynamic, you now see what happens when you force research "underground". Good job. It's you, hi, you're the problem it's you.
CrowVsWade t1_jaeld8t wrote
You're not reading or communicating. You're simply rebroadcasting an agenda I've said nothing about, other than to also critique the pointlessness and counter-productivity of prohibition.
The historic prohibition of cannabis doesn't make research of the last 20 years somehow invalid. That's not how good science operates. Behind where it could have been if we'd started in 1940? Sure, but we can't revisit that now. Again, you're conflating political/cultural with scientific. They're just not the same arena.
My original point was singularly that there is a growing body of scientific research that's raising questions about the negative (as well as positive) impacts of cannabis. Most pro-cannabis people aren't aware of this.
[deleted] t1_j9ybtmb wrote
EconomistPunter t1_j9vi8jr wrote
The growing lit suggests many of the benefits of marijuana are overstated, or that they disappear when correctly accounting for trends. It’s not some anti-cannabis conspiracy; it’s growth in an area with significant research limitations until recently…
PEVEI t1_j9vifvn wrote
There's a difference between dismissing outrageous claims of efficacy, and proving harm.
EconomistPunter t1_j9vin4b wrote
They didn’t prove harm. Even the language of the author “may cause” suggests they understand it’s a correlation that could be more.
PEVEI t1_j9virbu wrote
My goal wasn't to engage in semantic arguments, but to point out that "the benefits are overstated" doesn't imply that the harm is understated.
EconomistPunter t1_j9vj0ib wrote
Again, early studies on this suffered from data limitations. We don’t really know much. This research sphere is filled with dubious claims.
PEVEI t1_j9vjvfy wrote
I agree, and this unreviewed study with a modest sample analyzed with MR is one of those.
Having said that there have been some longitudinal studies on the harm of smoking marijuana, which is generally argued to be the most harmful way to take it, they've proven unable to find even a corollary.
There have been a few which find a very slight signal of possible lung cancer risk in heavy marijuana smokers after a 40 year follow-up, but it's tenuous.
Still others have looked at links between coronary vessel disease and marijuana, with the benefit of peer review and publication. They found nothing.
Some studies attempted to find a link between marijuana use and stroke or myocardial infarction, but they inevitably fall apart when confounding factors such as smoking, drinking, and other high risk behaviors are accounted for.
EconomistPunter t1_j9vkov0 wrote
And some of the early marijuana laws specifically targeted a substitution relationship between opioids and marijuana, which have largely evaporated in more recent studies. That’s certainly harm understatement.
Marijuana research suffers from both attenuation bias and bias that increases the magnitude of results. It’s a glorious mess in the sphere.
[deleted] t1_j9vp6dd wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vnmyn wrote
[deleted] t1_j9wdi6l wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ybqe7 wrote
Appropriate_Tip_8852 t1_j9ye8lt wrote
Yeah I am pretty sure we can find plenty of more harmful things in the alcohol we love so much.
Specialist_Mouse_418 t1_j9viogs wrote
They pulled numbers from the NIH and used the AHA as a point of reference. The article also states that it's up for review this week.
pegothejerk t1_j9vo8r2 wrote
Good sources for data are critical, but even more important is good methodology in extracting information from that data. Are those people using marijuana because they’re already sick and therefore the sample pool automatically has a higher incidence of heart issues? That’s why studies and review are important, so seasoned researchers can say “well, you haven’t taken samples from people who have had no reason to be entered into a database, let’s collect seasoned marijuana users who haven’t been entered into these systems and compare”
[deleted] t1_j9vordr wrote
[deleted] t1_j9vq1xp wrote
pegothejerk t1_j9vtju2 wrote
My point is they may have missed something a seasoned researched would have issue with in peer review, it happened thousands of times a day. They might have accounted for everything they though of, but didn’t consider marijuana might have compounded effects with some other illness or medications, or that marijuana being smoked raises risk of effects short term but after months of abstinence the risk disappears (this is the finding of several recent studies). That’s why peer review is critical, to catch things imperfect but smart people might miss for the trees.
[deleted] t1_j9vznfs wrote
Art-Zuron t1_j9vtrbc wrote
I think the point they were making was that the data will likely be biased towards those that are already ill, and even taking that into account may not actually provide an accurate representation of reality.
[deleted] t1_j9vy91f wrote
YearlyAnnualCheckup t1_j9vyw35 wrote
Somebody get Sanjay Gupta to set these idiots straight.
[deleted] t1_j9wd0bf wrote
CrowVsWade t1_j9wythe wrote
CNN aside, there's a growing body of academic research finding significant issues and concerns around heavier Marijuana usage, especially related to mental health. While it's also true there is research showing some possible benefits for some conditions, too, agenda doesn't really apply. We just don't know enough, yet.
RustinSpencerCohle t1_j9zx1e3 wrote
Don't know why you're being downvoted, this is an objective viewpoint to have and a sane approach to the issue of Marijuana health benefits, downsides, etc.
And I support legalization.
CrowVsWade t1_ja1a94l wrote
People don't like objectivity or truth. It gets in the way of what they want to believe or feel.
[deleted] t1_j9x94gb wrote
DesensitizedRobot t1_j9yiix9 wrote
Bill Gates
[deleted] t1_ja1rlga wrote
[deleted] t1_ja8p0vc wrote
ColdRest7902 t1_j9vqtf3 wrote
I didn't bother to to read it, but does it even look to see if these cannabis users have used other substances that might cause heart disease? Or maybe their diet?
PPQue6 t1_j9vsgj9 wrote
Not that I could tell, and they also don't specify method of consumption which is going to have a huge impact.
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