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MaybeADumbass t1_jaewztv wrote

I'm a gun owner and second amendment supporter, and I strongly believe that if you lose track of one or more of your guns, that is very clear evidence that you are unfit to possess any of them.


Gekokapowco t1_jaf25ds wrote

that's what I keep telling people, I don't want to completely stop gun ownership, I just don't want people incapable of being safe with them to own them until they can prove their competence.

But the 2A supporters see these as the same statement, which is probably telling tbh


Bigred2989- t1_jaf2fpa wrote

I know a person who bought their first handgun, a revolver, and ended up putting a hole in their bathroom wall because they didn't read the manual before loading it and cocked the hammer back and wondered why they couldn't unlatch the cylinder anymore. They had a Florida carry permit for almost a decade, and since the state's renewal policy is just a fee, photo and paperwork, it was obvious that it had been a long time since they'd ever had any training.