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Neo2199 OP t1_j9zscx4 wrote

> I really wouldn't call Ms Wagenknecht left-wing

Sahra Wagenknecht is a well-known left-wing German politician. She was a member of Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS) since the 90s, before that party merged with another party to form the Left Party (Die Linke).

She is also the founder of Aufstehen, a left-wing collective movement.


kornmachine t1_j9zyj7m wrote

Oh, I know her (I am German). And she might have had good ideas and done good in the past. But like many other's, since Covid she took a deep dive down the wrong rabbit hole.


aiboaibo1 t1_ja0altx wrote

So where is the political home for pacifists these days now the green party is pro war?

Is categorical pacifism still an allowed position to take?


kornmachine t1_ja0v3w8 wrote

That's still Die Linke, mostly. Or take a pick of a smaller party, there are plenty. That stance is not forbidden, by any means.

Categorial pacifism would be nice, but can only work when everyone adheres to it. Sadly, there are enough dickheads in high places to take advantage and try to dominate everyone.