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t1_jacvv1w wrote

He’s being punished for not being able to pay his court fines.

That would be like you being imprisoned for not being able to pay back your credit card bills.


t1_jacyrir wrote

No, court fines are imposed when you do something illegal. Not the same as not paying cc bills. Dude dealt drugs, got caught and got nailed. Would it be bad if they sicced the IRS on him to audit him and nail him for tax evasion for not paying taxes on his drug earnings? Like how they nailed Capone?

I'd say that's how you handle drug dealers. Put IRS auditors on them and see what's what.


t1_jae4dqv wrote

So if he paid his fines then he would not have to go to prison? Yet guys who have a bit of weed on them don't have a choice and go straight to jail or prison? Wtf....