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PyrrhoTheSkeptic t1_j8u1wtq wrote

I did a quick search on this. The world record is 18 days, and even that isn't a proper record without water:


>Andreas Mihavecz, an 18-year-old Austrian man, may have survived the longest without drinking water: Police accidentally left him in a holding cell for 18 days in 1979. It's a fuzzy record, though, since he allegedly licked condensation off the walls of the prison.

So he got some moisture licking the walls during that 18 day period, so even that was not completely without water.


It is probably just false that this pastor went without water for 25 days.


One must be an idiot to attempt to go 40 days without food or water. Food, that is possible (though not a good idea), but not water.


ForgingIron t1_j8up2ei wrote

> Food, that is possible

I looked it up and even the Bible, all versions I could find and read, only mention that Jesus went without food. Nothing about water.