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dougms t1_j8moge5 wrote

Tracking populations is difficult.

Even in the US, our census is only as accurate as the people reporting their households.

There will always be people missed or under reported. Either ignoring the census, off grid or intentionally ignoring it.

We probably do pretty good, but who knows the actual number.


GrandmaToesFetish t1_j8ofjk9 wrote

I ignore the census people


VanDenBroeck t1_j8ok969 wrote

And that’s fine if you don’t care if your state gets credit for its population and does not have the proper number of representatives and electoral votes.


GrandmaToesFetish t1_j8omjb3 wrote

You’re right I don’t care. We don’t need more shitty politicians


VanDenBroeck t1_j8pa667 wrote

Then don’t vote for republicans.


GrandmaToesFetish t1_j8pgif5 wrote

Both sides are pretty shitty if you haven’t realized yet


jaxinpdx t1_j8n5jzy wrote

There are some creepy measures that the US takes to try and track/count the homeless population. Teams will go into forests with night vision goggles to find people. Others will follow homeless folks back to their encampment.


itsallthesamejames t1_j8nai8z wrote

Let's not sensationalize, it's not that malicious. But yes, many cities typically do a count of the homeless. New York City just did theirs in January. While I realize that pretty much nowhere is doing enough for the unhoused, this count does give the municipalities an idea of where the unhoused are congregating and how many people are in each area, which helps the city and nonprofits determine where to best use the resources they *do* have to distribute.

There are no paramilitary teams just secretly sweeping forests and encampments, forcing people out of hiding. I imagine it's more so to get a count without actually disturbing people who do not want to be bothered at a time when they are likely to be stationary and congregated so as to get the most accurate information.