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Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_j808ez4 wrote

> The payout would not come from Paxton’s own pocket but from state funds, which means it would still require approval by the GOP-controlled Texas Legislature.

As always, taxpayers foot the bill and Paxton hasn’t been punished/learned anything. At least the FBI investigations are still ongoing. Can’t get rid of this guy soon enough.


jschubart t1_j80h6tm wrote

It's going to be a while since he was just reelected by a 10% margin. 53% of Texans apparently have shit for brains.


terminalzero t1_j80jjtq wrote

> 53% of Texans apparently have shit for brains.

53% of the ~45% who vote at least (and admittedly probably a lot of texans that don't)


themeatbridge t1_j80ovn8 wrote

All of the ones that don't vote have shit for brains, or, like, a job I guess. Voting should be compulsory and on a national holiday.


UncleRichardson t1_j80xjiu wrote

I had to renew my TX license due to expiration, without which can't vote. Renewed it October 9th. I finally got it in the mail last week. My mother? She renewed her at the end of January. She got hers the day before I got mine.

I can't say for certain they deliberately slowed renewals just before elections, but boy it sure is curious.


jonathanrdt t1_j88m46w wrote

Vote by mail and mandatory registration ensures that everyone can vote easily. We know it works; it’s just that a certain powerful group prevents it because the actual will of the people prevents them from getting elected.


FriarFriary t1_j82rbzq wrote

Texas loves the shit fed to them as long as it has an “R” next to it’s name.


Ghost-Orange t1_j82zzoi wrote

The didn't win. Trump's fixer rigged it, then ran away as quickly as he was appointed.


wcbjr t1_j84tlp4 wrote

Not me. I voted against the fuckstick.


nox_nox t1_j8135e0 wrote

That investigation has been ongoing for years. My money is on nothing ever happening to him at this point.


Sarnsereg t1_j81jqa9 wrote

FBI investigations is just a fancy way of saying were delaying not doing anything for a while.