kushhaze420 t1_j9yke28 wrote
They need some building codes put in place. Shoddy construction kills.
pegothejerk t1_j9yllnn wrote
They have them. Erdogan took bribes to waive them, and also stole tens of billions from public coffers for earthquake compliance over the years. What they need to do is clean house.
Didact67 t1_j9ys4sh wrote
Right before this earthquake, the Turkish parliament was ready to pass a law that would expand those exemptions.
[deleted] t1_j9zl935 wrote
TyrionsCodpiece t1_j9ywafr wrote
Much easier to clean house when they're reduced to lego bricks.....
janethefish t1_ja08bm8 wrote
I saw a picture of an engineering building, undamaged and surrounded by rubble from buildings destroyed in the quake.
[deleted] t1_ja0uokh wrote
XPaarthurnaxX t1_j9yv1m6 wrote
I'm sure he'll be also voted in again because he's the last Khalifa and what not
captaincrunch00 t1_j9zigyv wrote
The porn star family?
alessandro_673 t1_j9zka8t wrote
It’s less that Erdogan took bribes himself, more that he didn’t really appoint ministers to watch over everything, and so the reality was that building inspectors would show up before the construction really started, took a bribe, and then didn’t come back. It’s definitely Erdogans fault, and everyone knew it was happening.
[deleted] t1_j9yvvqq wrote
[deleted] t1_j9zgtwy wrote
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