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GraniteStayte t1_j8fmjq1 wrote

Interesting details from the WSJ article:

>U.S. officials said they couldn’t explain what the other three objects were, even after closely studying them in the air before shooting them down.
>Officials believe the first debris will be pulled out of Lake Huron and quickly sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation lab at Quantico, Va., for analysis.
>U.S. officials have so far declined to provide any imagery of the items.
>The Pentagon has said the objects have been unmanned, and they cannot yet explain how the objects are powered, contributing to the mystery of the airborne object.


I_Lick_Vaginal_Blood t1_j8fo929 wrote

So it’s aliens, then.


ZedCee t1_j8fpo3h wrote

Already off to a great start shooting them down too! They we're peaceful.

Maybe they see humanity is in shambles and they're planning a trip down to help us out. In particular the crisis created by the Ohio/Norfolk derailment these stories seem to be drowning out...


AdjNounNumbers t1_j8fsz0c wrote

"WOOOOW! Okay, well fuck you then." -the aliens, probably


whydoiIuvwolves t1_j8fu168 wrote

"We're leaving and we're taking our balloons and anal probes with us😡"


BrutalWarPig t1_j8hqspb wrote

Well there goes my Valentine’s Day plans!!! Thanks a-lot Biden!!


Owain451 t1_j8g5gre wrote

Here's the thing though. If it was aliens advanced enough for space travel or to make stuff like this, they wouldn't declare war on what is essentially a primitive tribe of creatures for shooting down an object they didn't understand.

We wouldn't start war with the isolated tribes in whatever part of the world if they shot down one of our drones.

A more likely scenario is they were never peaceful to begin with and were testing our capabilities.

Assuming it's aliens.


kinglouie493 t1_j8g823z wrote

The Mayans would like to have a chat with the Spanish…


AllerdingsUR t1_j8hmpat wrote

The Mayans were a large colonial empire of their own and didn't have anywhere near the gulf in understanding and technology as we do with uncontacted tribes, or that space faring aliens would with us.


ZedCee t1_j8g7tfg wrote

Hopeful outlook. Take an upvote.

Though, the aliens could have come from a war torn solar system, two planets in the habitable zone, warring for resources, but only one survives. A culture and civilization wholely devoted to war and blood...

Or maybe some long forgotten species achieved the singularity, it's creation seeking out to exterminate inferior lifeforms...

Or maybe they're more like us than we like and out of fear, ignorance, and "preemptive action", bomb the shit out of us...

The possibilities are endless.


ZedCee t1_j8g87to wrote

Occam's razor says "more Chinese weather technology"


MillyBDilly t1_j8izivj wrote

The possibilities are only endless if the interstellar traveling people are absolute morons.


ZedCee t1_j8j3x51 wrote

Who says an interstellar alien will think remotely like us?

An intelligent species, favoring a lack of empathy and unsympathetic precision, becomes fiercely capitalistic. After plundering, polluting, and exploiting every edge of their world, they begin to branch out like a disease. Corporations staking claim to gas clouds and satellites to pillage. This goes on for eras, possibly constant strife and war leads to a levels of desensitization, or emotion becomes a designated thought crime. Seeing lower life as inferior and creating internment camps for local intellectual life, the civilization continues to expand unhindered raping exoplanets for all their worth, collapsing one habitable system after another.


MillyBDilly t1_j8iz4u1 wrote

It's not aliens.
But let's say it was. Any speci that has interstellar travel would understand another spicie would need to defend itself.


Nicolas-matteo OP t1_j8g5t3a wrote

And we... shot them down. First impressions are everything.


mg_ridgeview t1_j8i97le wrote

I mean, if these are intelligent aliens, wouldn't it have been smart for them to announce their presence first?


Neo2199 t1_j8g1bmr wrote

> quickly sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation lab at Quantico, Va., for analysis.

Let's hope Mulder and Scully of this reality are on the case!

Edit: Kidding aside, it’s interesting that high ranking military officers, like NORAD Commander Gen. Glen VanHerck, are not discounting the possibility of aliens.

"On Sunday, the head of U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command wouldn’t rule out that the airborne objects the Pentagon has been shooting down are connected to aliens or extraterrestrials.

“I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out, I haven’t ruled out anything,” said Gen. Glen VanHerck in a briefing late Sunday. “At this point, we continue to assess every threat or potential threats unknown that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it.”


[deleted] t1_j8g92mb wrote



Neo2199 t1_j8gag3s wrote

Regarding the last 3 objects, the general was very specific that those are not balloons.


> VanHerck said the military was unable to immediately determine the means by which any of the three latest objects were kept aloft or where they were coming from.

> "We're calling them objects, not balloons, for a reason, said VanHerck.


RedRocket4000 t1_j8gcire wrote

Would fit the we going to stop denying this stuff is occurring concept. Only thing being hid is how little we know.


nexusjuan t1_j8gtcr1 wrote

If you're not allowed to comment any new information ruling out aliens would be adding new information. Maybe we know who they belong to but they're a close ally and we're trying to figure out how to respond.


adarkuccio t1_j8fvs30 wrote

Wtf tell them to share pics and vids of those "unexplained" objects, otherwise they're trolling us.


LurkingredFIR t1_j8gc3ly wrote

Why do you think that these officials would tell you the truth?

It's one of these situations where you have nothing to win by telling the public everything you know, and you have all to benefit from acting dumb


fleamarketenthusiest t1_j8k9vv8 wrote

>The Pentagon has said the objects have been unmanned, and they cannot yet explain how the objects are powered, contributing to the mystery of the airborne object

Keywords being- "pentagon has said"

Of course they arent gonna show us the crazy ass antigravity technology, they seem pretty upset anyone else has it.


thebrinyocean t1_j8hnmld wrote

The only way to know if they were 1000% unmanned would be if they were made from transparent materials and even then we don’t know IF these are beings from another planet that: 1. Our eyes can see them 2. What they look like (as in they may not be bipedal or bigger than a sack of flour. 3. That pilots have undergone training to positively ID a non human pilot.
